Samson Young: "Available Forms: a few things I learned about collaboration as a compositional device"
2020 年 10 月 23 日星期五下午1:30 - 4:30 @關渡山行 (臺北市北投區中央北路四段583巷11弄19號,關渡捷運站2號出口步行1分鐘)
同步播映:國立臺北藝術大學基進講堂 (圖書館 3 樓,入口位於圖書館正門前石階左側)
“In this talk I will share a few lessons I‘d learnt about collaboration, specifically from the perspective of a composer. I will draw from my experience in a number of recent works, including Available Forms (2019), Muted Situations (2014-), my long-term collaboration with jazz vocalist Michael Schiefel, and Music for specific places, times, and people #1 (2020).“
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2020 C-LAB年度大展「Re: Play 操/演現場」
楊嘉輝 Samson Young 展演場次